Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gun Safety Essay - 861 Words

Gun Safety Some people like to shoot guns for hunting, some like to shoot them for recreation. Whatever the reason, when using guns, there are steps you need to take to be safe, whether shooting or storing them. The first basic rule is to never assume your gun is not loaded. No matter what, always check to make sure there is no ammunition in the gun. Another big rule is to remember that the safety (which is to prevent the gun from firing) of the gun is a mechanical device and can fail. Always point the gun in a safe direction (which is away from people, etc.). Horseplay should be avoided at all times when handling a gun. For storage, always make sure the gun is unloaded and locked in a location that is inaccessible to children.†¦show more content†¦***For added protection, there are different types of storage and/or locks for guns also. The first is a lockbox. It is a small metal case that is used for handguns. An advantage of this case is that there is quick access if the lock is pus hbutton. A disadvantage is that it costs more than a trigger or cable lock. The average price is anywhere from $40 to $200+. Second, a gun vault or safe comes in a variety of sizes to fit all types of guns. Some advantages are that it is difficult to steal, allows for numerous guns of different sizes, there is storage for other items and valuables, and they are usually fire safe. Some disadvantages are that it costs more than cable locks or lock boxes and they are also heavy and difficult to move. The price range is anywhere from $100 to $2000. The cable lock is a cable that is inserted into the chamber and locked (like a bike lock) to prevent a shell from being fired. Advantages are that the long cables are able to thread through several guns and they are inexpensive. Disadvantages are that the cable is thin and can be easily cut. Price ranges from free to $20+. Next the trigger lock is a two piece rigid cylinder that fits behind the trigger so it cannot move. A combination opens t his lock. Advantages are that it is inexpensive, they are widely available, and there is quick access to the gun. Some disadvantages are that they may break easily and may not prevent theft because the locks can be removed later. Some models can beShow MoreRelatedThere is No Need for Gun Safety Locks Essay1394 Words   |  6 Pagesgirl, whose father had trained her in the use of firearms, could not access her father’s gun when she needed to because it was locked in accordance with California’s state law (Pratt). This preventable tragedy is one of many reported scenarios that scream that there is no need for gun safety locks. The critics respond with the need for gun safety locks, citing examples of children finding unlocked and loaded guns in their homes. 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